Prescribed Burning is an effective land management tool. It provides multiple benefits for both land and wildlife. But without liability protection, a prescribed burn could be very costly for the landowne r conducting the burn.
The Bramlett Agency, through Midlands Management, offers Prescribed Burning Liability Insurance for the protection of landowners and lessees who have a burn plan(1) prepared. This coverage, which is not usually provided in a homeowners or farm and ranch policy, allows landowners and lessees the ability to conduct a burn on their property.
Limits: $1 Million / $2 Million
Premium: $250 Per Burn
Policy M&D*: $500
E&S Tax: 6% (applicable in Oklahoma, Surplus Lines. Taxes in other states may vary)
Security Rating: A XIV**
*Minimum Deposit Premium
**Property and Casualty Liability program with Essex Insurance Company who holds a security rating A = Excellent, XIV (14) is a numeric rating depicting the size of company (15 being the largest).
(1) For a Burn Plan, the following is a minimum that should be included:
Preparer's name
Date of last revision prior to burn
Description of burn unit and directions to burn unit
Map of burn unit
Plant communities and topography (if a concern) in burn unit
Goals and objectives for burn
Fireguards (types), grazing deferment and other burn unit preparation
Fire boss and fire crew
Equipment (vehicles, ignition, fire-fighting, safety and clothing)
Fire and smoke areas outside the burn unit and plans to minimize impact
Civil authority and neighbor notification procedures and applicable permits
Acceptable burns dates and times
Acceptable fuel types and fuel load
Acceptable relative humidity and air temperature
Acceptable wind direction(s) and speed
Acceptable atmospheric mixing conditions
Ignition procedures
Contingency plans for escaped fires, changes in wind/humidity, equipment breakdown and personnel injury
Mop up and monitoring procedures
Post burn management
Attach records of forecasts examined prior to starting burn
Attached records of actual conditions at start and end of burn
To complete an application, click on Prescribed Burn Application.pdf
Once completed, send to Jake Bramlett.